We’re here to help
If you’ve got questions, we’ve got the answers.

Existing customers
How do I update my Life Insurance beneficiaries?
You can find the Beneficiary Change form in the last five pages of your Welcome Pack, which is included in your policy documents.
You will need to fill out this form with the details of your beneficiary, e.g. Name, Date of Birth, and whether they are a family member.
Next, you can decide how much of the Sum Assured you want to leave to each person, which must be written as a percentage. Between all your beneficiaries, this must total 100%.
Once this has been filled in, send it to us in the mail via Freepost at Tom, or email us at hello@tom.co.uk, and we’ll have your details updated.
How do I change my payment details/payment date?
Please contact us on 0808 175 4747 and we can get this updated for you. Please note, changing your payment date may bring your next payment date forward, depending on your billing cycle. This will be confirmed when you speak to one of our advisors.
How do I change my Address?
Please contact us on 0808 175 4747 or email us at hello@tom.co.uk with your new address and policy number and we’ll update your details.
Get in touch
Mail address
920 Hempton Court, Aztec West, West Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4SR, United Kingdom